Ethiopia: Tigray Conflict Response – ETH201(First Revision)

A long-standing political disagreement between the Ethiopia Federal government and the northern regional state of Tigray’s regional government led to an outbreak of hostilities on 4th November 2020. This was characterized by military action resulting in general insecurity in the region, internal and external displacements, and a disruption of livelihoods.

The 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview launched by the humanitarian community on 5 March estimates that approximately 4.5 million people are currently in need of humanitarian assistance in Tigray.

Changes in ETH201 revised appeal include the addition of Norwegian Church Aid as a requesting member, a focus from livelihood to life-saving interventions, the inclusion of GBV protection, and COVID-19 prevention. Based on information from recent need assessment, the appeal now focuses on central and East Tigray from southern Tigray.

Four ACT Ethiopia members, Ethiopia Orthodox Church Development Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOC-DICAC), Ethiopia Evangelical Mekane Yesus Church (EECMY-DASSC), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and Norwegian Church Aid are responding to this crisis.

Ethiopia_Tigray-Conflict-response Revised Appeal ETH 201