Ukraine: Emergency response for communities affected by Ukraine conflict – UKR221 (Revision1)

The Russian Federation launched a military offensive against Ukraine on 24 February 2022. As of the 1st  of June, more than 6.98 million refugees had fled Ukraine, making this the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II.

A further 7.1 million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine. 

As of 01 June, UN reported 6,983,041 refugees have crossed from Ukraine into neighboring countries.  The major numbers are: Poland (3,690,089), Hungary (698,420) Slovakia (466,264), Republic of Moldova (483,306) Romania (587,219), the Russian Federation (1,041,095) and Belarus (16,648), the majority women and children, as well as elderly people and those with disabilities.

UNHCR estimates there are over 4.7 million refugees present across Europe. Over 2.9 million refugees from Ukraine have registered for Temporary Protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe.

ACT members Hungarian Interchurch Aid, HEKS/EPER, Lutheran World Federation, ROMAid and the Europe forum will be responding in Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Poland, and Slovakia with the revised appeal budget of USD23,497,348

UKR221 Ukraine Conflict_Rev1

UKR221 Annex Results Framework

The original appeal appears on this link:

The second revision appears on this link:   

For ACT Members:  If you want to be included in the Total ACT Response coordination meetings or updates about our Ukraine response, please fill out the form here