Tanzania: Earthquake in North-West region

A severe earthquake with magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale hit the North-West Tanzania on the 10th of September 2016 at 15:27 local time. The epicentre was located in close proximity to the border town of Nsunga on the Lake Victoria and nearby Bukoba municipality, a major town and the regional centre for the Kagera region. Less than 72 hours from the quake, 17 persons were reported dead and 170 hospitalized.

While assessments are still on-going, preliminary evaluations record that 840 buildings have been destroyed including three schools and dormitories. Over 1,264 houses are reported to be unsafe and hundreds of people are currently displaced. The Acting Regional Commissioner of Kagera region estimates the need for temporary shelters for over 3,000 people as well as for medical supplies, non-food items, food assistance and psychosocial support.

ACT Tanzania forum plans to respond to the needs of the affected population through ACT Alliance humanitarian mechanism. TCRS and ELCT are planning to support the affected populations through provision of Emergency shelters, Non-food items and Community Based Psychosocial Support. Long-term plan to re-build the education facilities that have been destroyed is also being considered.
