Global: ACT Alliance Global Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – ACT201

In just eleven weeks from January through to mid-March 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 has progressed from a discrete outbreak in one Chinese city, to clusters of cases in many countries, through to a pandemic with most countries reporting cases, and many countries experiencing significant outbreaks. The current context in many countries is such that urban agglomerations and informal settlements have grown tremendously (e.g. Delhi, Kolkata, Dhaka, Manila, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Sao Paolo), and mega-camps have been maintained to cope with massive and protracted displacements (e.g. Darfur, Dadaab, Zaatari, Cox’s Bazar). In addition, people on the move (e.g., Venezuela, Central America, Turkey-Greece border, Syria-Turkey border, Sahel, etc.) are a major vulnerable group, with infections expected to rise exponentially when COVID-19 hits small shelters and holding/detention centers.

ACT Alliance Secretariat and members have established coordination mechanisms at the global, regional and national levels. ACT Forums/Forum Members are working on developing a Global Appeal that is largely grounded on the overall principles set out by the IASC in the Global Humanitarian Response Plan to respond to the emerging needs and aid the development and implementation of COVID-19 programs with a budget of USD 12,000,000.

COVID-19 Global ACT Appeal – updated

Annex 2 – Summary of Country Contexts and ACT Capacity

Call for Proposals – ACT COVID-19 Appeal

COVID 19 RRF Template

Summary of Approved RRF Proposals

Infographic of the appeal

Two-page summary of the appeal

Updated Call for Proposals – ACT COVID-19 Appeal

COVID 19 Appeal Template

COVID 19 Appeal Budget