Disability inclusive development CoP

The Disability-Inclusive development CoP aims to raise the profile of disability in the ACT Alliance, promote understanding of it as a human rights issue and actively advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. The CoP’s role is to gather the experiences of ACT members and others working in this area, to share that knowledge and support members to implement disability-inclusive programmes.

ACT secretariat focal point: Cyra Bullecer, cyra.bullecer[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Tytti Matsinen, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM),tytti.matsinen[at]felm.org

Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and adaptation to climate change CoP

The aim of the DRR, Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development CoP is to encourage ACT members to build disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into their work. The CoP is a space for the exchange of ideas and experiences. It provides knowledge, expertise and advice, produces background material and represents ACT at international negotiations, conferences and other events.


ACT secretariat focal point: James Munpa, james.munpa[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Kirsten Kok (Kerk in Actie), k.kok[at]protestantsekerk.nl 
Co-chair: Michael Kendagor (CWS), MKendagor[at]cwsafrica.org 
Co-chair: Patricia Roy (Uganda Forum Coordinator DCA),  prak[at]dca.dk


Asia Pacific:
ACT secretariat focal point: James Munpa, james.munpa[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Mani Kumar, Christian Aid,  makumar[at]christian-aid.org
Co-Chair: Tim Hartley, Anglican Overseas Aid,  thartley[atanglicanoverseasaid.org.au
Co-Chair: Anastasia Maylinda,  YAKKUM/YEU,  maylinda_yeu[at]yahoo.com

Moderator: Maria Luisa Navas Zorrilla, cuba.act.57[at]gmail.com
Vice Moderator: Amparo Peña, pme[at]casm.hn
Vice Moderator : Jairo Barriga, funpazos[at]gmail.com

Lead: Joel Kelling, joel.kelling[at]anglicancommunion.org 
Co-Chair: Rachel Luce rachel.luce[at]actalliance.org

Gender equality and justice CoP

ACT has committed itself to working gender awareness into all of its work. The overall objective of the Gender Equality and Justice CoP is to embed gender equality into ACT’s internal structures and into the programme guidelines for ACT members. The CoP supports members in their efforts to create policy and programming that works for gender justice, to ensure that programmes reflect the needs and wishes of all people.

ACT secretariat focal point: Elaine Neuenfeldt, elaine.neuenfeldt[at]actalliance.org


Asia and Pacific
ACT secretariat focal point:
Cyra Bullecer, cyra.bullecer[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Thorat Joycia, (CASA), thorat_joycia[at]yahoo.com; joycia[at]casa-india.org
Co-chair: Lauria Belinda, (Anglican Overseas Aid), blauria[at]anglicanoverseasaid.org.au
Co-chair: Paakkinen Ilse, (FELM), ilse.paakkinen[at]felm.org

ACT secretariat focal point:
Elizabeth Kisiigha Zimba, elizabeth.zimba[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Nairuba Gladys, DCA Uganda,  glna[at]dca.dk
Co-Chair: Makombe Zanele, ACT Ubumbano, zanele[at]actubumbano.org

Europe (formerly Global CoP on Gender Justice and Equality)
Chair: Marianna Leite, (Christian Aid), MLeite[at]christian-aid.org

Chair: Gómez Claudia, Diakonia Sweden (Diakonia Suecia), Claudia.gomez[at]diakonia.se
Vice-chair: Urbina Zoraya, Lutheran World Federation Central America (FLM Centroamérica), zoraya.urbina[at]lutheranworld.org

Secretariat focal point:
Rachel Luce,  Rachel.Luce[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Abedelhack Aminah,  a.hack.aminah[at]gmail.com
Chair: Spoor Jojanneke,  jojanneke.spoor[at]lutheranworld.org

Human rights in development CoP

The Human Rights in Development CoP aims to further the implementation of rights-based development strategies within the alliance and among its partners. Its work involves enabling civil society action, based on international human rights standards.

ACT secretariat focal point: Rachel Luce, rachel.luce[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Christine Meissler, Bread for the World (BfdW), christine.meissler[at]brot-fuer-die-welt.de

Migration and development CoP

The Migration and Development CoP takes advantage of ACT members’ and partners’ in-depth knowledge to help develop useful interventions for the protection of migrants’ rights. The group’s common working issues include migrants’ rights, statelessness, migration and livelihoods, migration and climate change, and trafficked persons on the move. It also aims to strengthen and increase the visibility of ecumenical structures related to migration and development.

ACT secretariat focal point: Christian Wolff christian.wolff[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Sophia Wirsching, Bread for the World (BfdW), Sophia.wirsching[at]brot-fuer-die-welt.de

Psychosocial CoP

The Psychosocial Community of practice, (PS CoP) brings together ACT members involved in psychosocial work, with the aim to share expertise, experiences and good practices on community based psychosocial support. The PS CoP exists on regional levels, working to build regional networks. Through the Regional PS CoP, the aim is to strengthen the capacities and practices of community based psychosocial support of ACT members by sharing good practices appropriate to local cultures, expertise and experiences. The Regional PS CoPs are connected through the Global PS CoP, which includes 1-2 representatives from each Regional PS CoP, along with other experts. The aim of the Global PS CoP is to work at a policy level and connect to other global networks in the field of Psychosocial wellbeing.


ACT secretariat focal point: Carlos Rauda, carlos.rauda[at]actalliance.org
Global Chair: Prudence Atukunda Fribert,  prudence.atukundafriberg [at] svenskakyrkan.se 


East Africa
Belay Negesse, belayrrad[at]hotmail.com

Latin America
Ana Paxtor, apaxtor[at]cedepca.org

Nader Abu Amsha, nabuamsha[at]ej-ymca.org

Southern Africa
Arnold Limbani, arnoldlimbani[at]yahoo.com

Southeast Asia
Chair: Bhoj Khanal, bhoj.khanal [at] lutheranworld.org 
Vice-chair: Nina Khim, (DCA), nihk[at]dca.dk

Religion and Development CoP

The objective of this CoP is to develop a better understanding of the intersection between religion and development, contributing to improve development interventions that engage people’s world views, values and practices informed by religion for sustainability and local ownership, as well as play a constructive role in ensuring that the convergence that seems to be emerging between religion and development is consolidated, appropriated, spread and translated into global policy on development.

ACT secretariat focal point: Thorsten Göbel, thorsten.goebel[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Dietrich Werner, Bread for the World (BfdW), dietrich.werner[at]brot-fuer-die-welt.de
Co-Chair: Jørgen Thomsen, DanChurchAid (DCA), jth[at]dca.dk

Safeguarding CoP

The purpose of the Safeguarding Community of Practice (CoP) is to gain knowledge, share learning and best practice and to develop competence amongst ACT members in safeguarding. The overall objectives are:

  • To strengthen the capacity of ACT Alliance members to ensure safe environments for all people who come into contact with their projects, programs, and personnel
  • To strengthen cooperation among members and partners on safeguarding activities, including prevention and accountability
  • To provide a forum for information and resource sharing between ACT members.

This CoP has grown out of the now-defunct ACT Child Safeguarding CoP. Child Safeguarding will remain a component of the new CoP, as one of the sub-themes alongside issues such as Prevention of Sexual Exploitation; Abuse and Harassment; Codes of Conduct; Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms; Screening and Recruitment etc. The CoP will discuss both programmatic and organisational Safeguarding issues.

ACT secretariat focal point: Rizwan Iqbal, Rizwan.Iqbal[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Anne Fitzpatrick, Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS), annef[at]alws.org.au

Safety and security CoP

The Safety and Security CoP is made up of the safety and security experts linked to ACT member organisations. These experts are responsible for the safety and security of people deployed to programmes. As well as providing training to their own staff, the CoP advises ACT forums in their response efforts. The CoP tries to cover every country in which its members work and to have a training opportunity there annually.It monitors the hot spots of the world, focusing on particular regions. The great value of this group is in the knowledge of its members and their drive to provide proper safety and security.

ACT secretariat focal point: James Davis, james.davis[at]actalliance.org
Chair: Susan Muis, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), susan.muis[at]lutheranworld.org
Co-chair: Andrew Kirkham, Christian Aid (CA), akirkham[at]christian-aid.org

For more information visit the CoP’s dedicated website www.act-security.org
The ACT online security induction course is available on the same homepage.

Youth Participation CoP

This CoP aims to grow youth participation in ACT Alliance. It aims to ensure that youth are treated as agents of change and have their voices heard. Many ACT Alliance member organisations are working with youth-related issues, having intergenerational approaches and having their own youth organisations, therefore the CoP creates a common meeting space for these organisations, to increase the attention given to youth participation and encourage cooperation across the alliance on such issues.

ACT secretariat focal point: Daisy Yator , daisy.yator[at]actalliance.org 
Co-chair: Emma Berglund , Agera of Act Church of Sweden, emma.berglund96[at]gmail.com 
Co-chair: Lauri Heikkinen, ChangeMakers Finland, lauri.heikkinen[at]outlook.com
Co-chair: Patricia Mungcal , National Council of Churches in the Philippines, pat.mungcal[at]gmail.com