
[COP25 Media Advisory] Stunt today: Climate finance needed for loss and damage

December 11, 2019



TEXT: ACT Alliance, the Lutheran World Federation, and the World Council of Churches, who between them represent over 500 million Christians around the world, will be holding a stunt from 13h00-13h30 at the entrance to COP25. Piles of golden chocolate coins representing finance for mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage will show the discrepancy between financing of these different aspects of climate change. Stories and audience participation will demonstrate the need for enhanced funding for loss and damage for the most vulnerable communities, who have done the least to contribute to climate change but are facing the brunt of its impact.

Who:  Faith leaders, youth from churches, Christian climate justice activists

Where: Just past the badge scan at the entrance, between buildings 2 and 4.

When: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 13h00.


Simon Chambers +1-416-435-0972, simon.chambers@actalliance.org
Director of Communications, ACT Alliance

Arni Svanur Danielsson +41 78 929 9686 , arni.danielsson@lutheranworld.org
Head of Communication, Lutheran World Federation

Marcelo Schneider +55 51 99 998 55 15, Marcelo.Schneider@wcc-coe.org
Communications Officer, World Council of Churches