
New Multi-Faith/Multi-Sector Alliance for Climate Action (MFSA) to launch at COP27  

An innovative new alliance, the Multi-Faith/Multi-Sector Alliance for Climate Action (MFSA) will be formally launched at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh this Wednesday, November

ACT stunt drawing attention to gender justice asks at COP27. Photo: Albin Hillert/LWF.

16 at 14:00 Cairo time. For those at COP27, the event is at the IFRC Pavilion- Blue zone (beside UNFCCC and Egypt Pavilion). Those at a distance can join online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHKbYD_TtmM 

The Alliance will be a neutral bridge between existing multi-faith actors and their coalitions, and key secular actors (including governments, multilateral organizations, the private sector, civil society organizations, and media). The goal is to explore and advance collaboration on specific areas for climate action. It is not intended to replace existing networks and coalitions, but rather to elevate and add value to existing initiatives. 

MFSA will bring together key groups with specific projects which need support and engagement.  Its strength will come from the diversity of events, projects and leadership it brings together. The expectation is that different groups will offer different foci for discussion, meetings, partnerships and practical projects. 

MFSA will amplify ongoing secular initiatives by engaging faith networks in the following ways:  

  • Systematically engaging faith-related media on climate issues 
  • Framing and publicising the values parameters of investment funds to leverage public capital with the assets of religious institutions
  • Supporting the Global Energy Access Initiative by engaging faith networks through a faith sensitive communications campaign
  • Supporting the mobilisation of women and youth leaders in achieving carbon emissions goals through by engaging women faith leaders and their networks.

MFSA is currently engaged in the following projects:  

  • A Faith-based Just Climate Transition Fund led by FaithInvest in collaboration with the Climate Investment Funds of the World Bank,  
  • A Clean Energy Access communications and advocacy campaign led by Global Alliance for Clean Energy Access, Greenfaith and Faith for Earth,  
  • Project Dandelion, a Women and Youth led global campaign to meet the carbon emissions target, led by Mary Robinson, with Religions for Peace Women of Faith Network 
  • A fourth project, a unique cross-cutting programme actively researching the huge reach of faith-based media is also underway. 

Speakers at the launch will include: 

Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance  

Ms. Pacifica F. Achieng Ogola, Government of Kenya  

Ms. Jean Duff, Partnership for Faith and Development (video) 

Ms. Amanda Burrell, Al Jazeera  (video)

Prof. Dr. Azza Karam, Religions for Peace  

Rev. James Bhagwan, Pacific Conference of Churches (video) 

The following speakers will address the Alliance’s current initiatives:  

Faith-based Just Climate Transition Fund  

Ms. Mafalda Duarte, Climate Investment Funds, World Bank 

Mr. Martin Palmer, FaithInvest  

Joint Clean Energy Access Communications and Advocacy Campaign 

Ms. Sandae,  Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, the Rockefeller Foundation 

Rev. Fletcher Harper, GreenFaith 

Women and Youth led Global Campaign to Meet the Carbon Emissions Target  

Ms. Mary Robinson, Climate Justice Institute 

Mr. Iyad Abumoghli of the UN Environment Programme will give the closing remarks.