
Statement: A world in crisis need bold action from Nordic countries

ACT Alliance Nordic members gathered in Oslo 25 August, and state the following:

In an increasingly fragile world, where billions are facing conflict, increased poverty, food insecurity and climate disaster, we urge the Nordic countries to be champions of joint and bold action for global solidarity and sustainability.

We are deeply concerned about the multiple crises facing us all but hitting the most vulnerable people in the world the hardest. The number of people in need of development and humanitarian aid is the highest since World War 2. Moreover, the increased pressure on human rights, gender equality, and democracy in many countries deteriorates the situation.

Therefore, we urge the Nordic countries to strengthen their cooperation, and unite to champion and protect values such as human rights, democracy, equality, and inclusion, values that are strong in the Nordic region, but are under immense pressure globally. We call for the Nordic countries to be brave and innovative and gather around increased, concrete and joint action to protect these values. The Nordic countries are already deeply committed to human rights, democracy, and sustainability, but increased joint action is needed. A rules-based, international world order, supporting human rights, accountability and multilateral cooperation, is essential to uphold, also for the Nordic countries.

We also urge the Nordic countries to uphold high commitment to development and humanitarian aid, ensuring that official development assistance is of high quality, predictable and with a strong commitment of leaving no-one behind in realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Also, we urge the Nordic countries to ensure that global common goods, such as vaccines, domestic refugee costs and climate financing is funded from other and additional sources, and not the aid budgets. Rich countries must be innovative in securing diversity in funding to handle national and global crises, focusing on engaging the private sector. Otherwise, the Global Sustainability Goals will not be met.

ACT Alliance Nordic members that participated in the meeting were Dan Church Aid (DCA), Finn Church Aid (FCA), ACT Church of Sweden, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and Icelandic Church Aid (ICA).