
Together we live out Diakonia

This week, ACT’s General Secretary John Nduna is attending the Twelfth Lutheran World Federation Assembly in Windhoek, Namibia.  “The Lutheran World Federation, together with the World Council of Churches, were the founding members of ACT,” said Nduna in his address to the Assembly.  “Membership in the alliance is mainly drawn from LWF and WCC member churches and their related agencies.”

The Assembly, which brings together representatives from 145 Lutheran churches around the world, is focused on the theme “Liberated by God’s Grace”, and is a key moment for Lutherans to come together to work, worship, and learn together.

That togetherness is key to the work of agencies like ACT.  “Together we have a voice at the table, we respond to disasters, and we learn and share in development practice,” Nduna told the almost 800 people gathered at the Assembly.  “Together we work with the most vulnerable, marginalized and excluded communities and people. Together we live out diakonia.”

Nduna highlighted the LWF’s role as one of the global leaders in working with refugees and displaced people, and also in standing with affected people and communities in the fight for climate justice.

ACT members and secretariat staff will be active at the Assembly, leading workshops, present in plenary sessions, hosting booths in the display area and more.

The full text of Nduna’s greeting to the LWF Assembly can be read here.