ACT Alliance joins various humanitarian and development organizations calling on Heads of State and Government ahead of UNGA 75 to make bold and ambitious decisions to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and put nature and ecosystems on a path to recovery by 2030.
ACT Alliance members around the world are witnessing the various ways that the rapid loss of nature, ecosystems, and biodiversity are threatening our environment, health, diets, development, social equity and human rights.
The Call to Action states, “Biodiversity is essential not only for poverty and inequality eradication but also for social justice and human rights, including the rights to food, water, human health and a healthy environment.”
The Call to Action further reads:
We must take action now to set nature, ecosystems and societies on the path to recovery, to build a safe, healthy and equitable future for people and the planet. Together, we can reset our relationship with nature and secure a resilient carbon-neutral, nature-positive world.
We call on the Heads of State ahead of UNGA75 to make bold and ambitious decisions to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and put nature and ecosystems on a path to recovery by 2030 by:
- Embracing a green, sustainable and just post-COVID19 recovery, protecting and regenerating nature as a sustainable foundation for a healthy and just society, and equitable economy, in line with WHO Manifesto.
- Transitioning to sustainable carbon-conscious agriculture, fisheries and forestry by harnessing agro-ecology, food sovereignty and alternative livelihoods. Eliminating subsidies harmful to nature, climate and health, without compromising on food security and nutrition for all.
- Strengthening resilience to climate change and environmental degradation of the poor and vulnerable. Ensuring fair and equitable distribution of and access to natural resources as a condition for social and gender equality while investing in public services that ease the burden of care for all in society.
- Halting the loss of and restoring natural habitats, while applying a human rights-based approach and respecting indigenous people and local communities’ human, land, water and tenure roles and rights.
- Ensuring that the benefits from biodiversity, including healthy and nutritious diets and fresh water are equitably shared by all people.
The full Call to Action is available for download here.