What do faith leaders want from world leaders for climate justice?

07 November 2022    

7 November 2022



What do faith leaders want from world leaders for climate justice?

As the World Leaders’ Summit concludes, faith leaders are sharing their calls to the world leaders for increased action to achieve climate justice and help keep global temperature rise to under 1.5C.  Faith leaders representing a variety of faiths (Christian, Sikh, Bram Kumaris, and others) bring the experiences of communities on the front lines of the climate emergency, they bring a moral dimension to the debate, and they also bring technical expertise through their engagement in combatting climate change and in climate justice advocacy.

85% of the world’s population ascribe to a faith tradition, and faith communities are part of all communities in the world.  They work as part of these communities together with local leaders and communities to address the impacts of climate change.  The Interfaith Liaison Committee brings together faith constituencies working to achieve climate justice to raise their voices together and share their stories from their traditions and experiences around the world.

What: Calls from faith leaders from around the world for concrete action at COP27 towards achieving climate justice for the most vulnerable, and sharing stories of the impacts of climate change in communities around the world.

Who: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel, ACT Alliance Special Envoy for Climate Justice and Lutheran Pastor (Germany)
Archbishop Samy Shehata, Anglican Primate of Alexandria
Mr. Harjeet Singh, Head of Global Political Strategy, Climate Action Network
Mr. Nobuyuki Asai, Executive Director, Soka Gakkai Peace Committee

Ms. Valériane Bernard, Brahma Kumaris representative to the United Nations, Geneva- Moderator

Where: Press conference room (Luxor) and online

When: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 15h00-15h30

Why: Faith communities bring concrete experiences of the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable people, including women and girls in all their diversity and people on the move, who have done the least to cause climate change and are facing the brunt of its impacts. Faith groups are on the front lines, responding to climate change through mitigation, disaster risk reduction, adaptation, and more.

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Simon Chambers WhatsApp: +1-416-435-0972, simon.chambers@actalliance.org
Director of Communications, ACT Alliance