ACT Alliance has launched a Toolkit, Towards the Ambitious Implementation of the Paris Agreement. The purpose of the Toolkit is to support the climate change advocacy actions of ACT members, forums and partners at the national level. The Toolkit guides FBOs to develop successful approaches for meaningful climate advocacy to stay at 1.5°C and to operationalise our common vision of shaping our future in ways that take up the call for a strong moral and religious imperative in overcoming the climate crisis.
The Toolkit is divided into three main modules, with a section on each of the instruments mandated by the Paris Agreement, namely; the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and the mid-century long-term low greenhouse gas emissions development strategies or Long-term Strategies (LTS).
Key messages, questions and answers, checklists and lessons learned, as well as diagrams and info-graphics are used as visual elements to ease the learning process. Examples are used to further illustrate the content and various options for FBO advocacy interventions are proposed. The Toolkit is designed so that FBOs can make their own choice on which of the instruments to focus on. All three modules follow the same structure, allowing FBOs to prepare their advocacy engagements step-by-step, before getting involved in the in-country NDC, LTS and/ or NAP processes.
The Toolkit is available here:
We welcome all of our members and forums to make use of this Toolkit, not only for advocacy purposes but also for capacity building and to facilitate internal discussions and reflections to ensure that specific national contexts are integrated into our global climate justice work.