The Department for World Service is the international humanitarian and development arm of the Lutheran World Federation. World Service works with local and international partners to alleviate suffering, combat injustice and poverty, and lay the foundation for a life in dignity for all. More than 5,000 committed staff persons work for World Service in remote areas and often insecure situations, touching the lives of over 2 million people across 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The Global Funding Team (GFT) in World Service is responsible for securing and managing direct funding (grants) from institutional donors (including US Government and EU).
The Global Funding Team (GFT) in World Service is responsible for securing and managing direct funding (grants) from institutional donors (including US Government and EU). More specifically as part of World Service’s strategy to increase its EU/ECHO portfolio and profile, a Global Funding Officer is being recruited to fill the current vacant position in the GFT in Geneva. This is with a view to consolidate and grow the relations and funding portfolio with ECHO (to 10m Euros by 2020) and Europeaid (to 10m Euros by 2020) in particular
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