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Registration Stage 1 is now open, see more here

General Assembly 2024

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Hope in Action: Together for Justice- Welcome to the ACT 2024 General Assembly!

The ACT Secretariat communications team is pleased to launch the website for the upcoming General Assembly, taking place from October 28-November 1, 2024 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Over the coming months, you will find information being posted here on the registration process for the Assembly, logistical information about Indonesia, the election process for the new Governing Board and Membership and Nominations Committee, Stories of Hope from ACT members and bodies, and much more.

ACT members should keep an eye on their email for more information about proprietary processes like registration, and we encourage everyone who is interested in the Assembly to check back in regularly on this site to learn, to be inspired, and to engage further with our work as we come together for justice!

Practical information
Information on the registration process has been emailed to all ACT members. You can read more about the registration process here.
There are four main governance items for decision-making on the agenda of the General Assembly in Yogyakarta. These include the elections of the Governing Board, the Officers and the Membership and Nominations Committee; a midterm review of the global strategy; a new membership model for ACT Alliance ; and a revision of the ACTAlliance statutes. Official delegates of the voting members will be able to vote on all these items, following discussions in regional meetings and in plenary sessions.